Project2: 10 Second Leader: Shattering Worlds

My concept with this 10 second leader was to create and destroy parts of Earth. Every number is molded from different regions of earth. Initially, I wanted to start off number 10 with a universe, followed by a galaxy for number 9, followed by a solar system, the Earth, continents, countries, etc. I did not go with that idea because of the lack of resources to produce such a piece.

This concept with the shattering worlds interprets the message of the inevitability of our precious Earth. The very first part illustrates the birth of Earth where it fills up with what seems to be water, depicted by the sound of a cup being filled. Then it is followed by a decomposition of elements which symbolizes the countdown to Earth’s end. Toward the end of the ten seconds, Earth implodes and shatters to tiny little pieces.

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Project2: Video_sketch_02

More developed idea. Numbers 10-3

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Project2: video sketch

An idea of how it would look.

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Project 2: A Concept.

For the longest time, I’ve been trying to come up with a creative and interesting concept because most of what I had earlier in class seemed undo-able or seemed too easy.

The concept I had in mind was to create a 10 second count down using something substantially large, and what larger than the earth to suggest this creation? For my concept, I’ve decided to use outlines of each country shifting to form the numbers 10 to 2.

As a idea of how this project is going to look, I’ve posted a few images in sequence of shifting countries as an example of the way m video will unfold.

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I Can.

A friend’s Short story. This story helped me with my thinking process of life and how I can contribute what I learned from it in some of my design projects.

I Can.

I couldn’t help but notice the perfection. It was all around, encased us in a dome of an imaginable beauty crossed with an artificial elegance in which we, the citizens, have come to accept. It was a flower in a loud sunlight, sprouting against a vast wasteland of debris and ruin. It was Lotus, the city of fate coloured in the opaque brightness of destiny. It was our Utopia, the streets blissfully clean, the weather warm with beautiful snow that danced gently to the Christmas Carols of the lamp post speakers. Citizens, not people, meandered around the city square as their innate senses told them to look around for what they were supposed to do, what their fate slips directed them to do for the day. In this instance, they were to attend the Winter solstice festival and pretty lights frosted the main stage where Red Slip performers played enthusiastically on their instruments. The sheep looked pleased. They had to, they were forced to. It was a scene that made me nauseous. What a paradise this was. It was disgusting.
In some unimaginable circumstance they called me one of the lucky ones. The black, the elite, the children, the few, call us what you like but it hardly is favourable. I’d have rather been chosen with a less strenuous card, perhaps a lovely powdered blue in which then, my responsibilities would flee so quickly. Ignorance is seldom appreciated and how I would love to taste again: its sugary sweet embrace.  We were unbound by the magic and invisible force of fate that turns the city’s gears. We were Lotus’s children, hand-picked like demi-gods who turn the city’s clock and make sure our Utopia doesn’t freeze in time and that productivity is always under-going. To command it’s legions against the invading forces of non-believers. There were many, plotting to invade outside our City-dome, armed with barbarous axes and diabolical siege works. Then there were of course, the terrorists. They come in later.
I cared very little for the plight of those people. My problems were many and my solutions were few, and like the apples crisp from a tree where none of the artificial trees could ever replicate properly again, it was hard to constantly keep up: This facade of an existence. Such words are treason in most circles especially those without a slip, but those with this black slip embroidered with the Lotus mark were allowed virtually anything in this city and by that standard left us wanting none of it. Our circles were few, the classes I enjoyed were privately taught and that left us with no friends and the promise of Eminence left us in competition. Our parents were our teachers and our siblings were the books, studies, research articles and whatever practical knowledge they could fit into our heads.
The dark streets were not intimidating at all since there was no crime in this city. The only fear that came was to disobey, to follow another path and that was punished severely and so no one did it. No one could, it was essentially impossible because no one even knew how. So I asked myself in this pointless existence. Why? I‘ve walked this path a million times through the simulated slush of the chalked sidewalks lit by the busy districts of the night. The rich smells of the nearby taverns drifted towards the burlesque shows, the jazz cafes and film theatres of Lotus to maintain a false happiness. I’ve done this so many times. Why? I looked at my palm and creased lines when I flexed my palm, imagining I held Lotus between its creases and I slammed my hand into a fist. If only I could break these chains to make these days different. I wish I could make these days filled with some fulfillment of self. You need to be careful for what you wish for because as my feet trudged through the climbing snow I met her, underneath a grand marble clock tower in Central Park. At first she reminded me of someone, a valued friend that I parted with when I was eight, but her eyes were different instead of an emerald green they were mystic silver. Her name was Lisa. She was the Key.

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Interesting Stop-Motion Video

After browsing PES videos on Youtube, I stumbled on a Video that PES deemed where his inspiration comes from. This Video is very surreal and resembles a Modern Salvador Dali.

The Modern Dali.

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Paper Beats Scissors


Three new words I decided to base my theme on: Play, Cut, Destroy – I chose to use another set of words because it more accurately describes the feel of my video.

There’s an equality in playing rock paper scissors and it’s such a simple game. In my video, my approach was to create a stop-motion video that illustrates a lively version of rock paper scissors with images only. I was going to use some video footage but decided that it would look inconsistent to the stop-motion theme. My decided to go with a stop motion approach was to portray a playful theme, in which ‘play’ is one of my words. I chose sounds that would not normally go with (but still corresponding to) certain subjects and sounds that held a video game ambiance. For example, scissors would be corresponded with the sound of a sword.

The challenges I faced with creating this video was the constant repositioning of my camera which created an unsteady shot. Also, the white balances in some images were more prominent than others which created an inconsistency, but also an effect where it felt like it was done intentionally, which I think, added to the overall theme.

One really big lesson I learned from this project is to take a lot of video sketches before comprising your final video. Without experimenting with your concept, executions for you final would take twice as long.

Another lesson learned is to sign out the proper equipment before everybody else takes it all. Especially the HD cameras.

All sounds taken from:

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Something I found interesting when I was experimenting with my concept was the footage that came out when filming my Macbook Pro screen when it was black. The reflection of of the black screen came out really sharp and I thought that it would be interesting if I used Photoshop to animate images of my reflection. Unfortunately, I did not use any of this footage for my finals.

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A Piece of Paper resembling a destructive atmosphere to the ears. whaaaaa???

This video sketch resembles what my final would look like. Using stop motion, I want to illustrate a playful theme since my concept is a demonstration of rock, paper, scissors. The audio track I will use is going to be dramatically different from what my sound essay sounds like.


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A “Sound” Essay – Part B: WarCry

noun: space

verbs: drop, and destroy

Rain drops falling on his head. From this moment, he stops in his tracks as a devastating memory shoots through his thoughts. It’s been so long ever since he walked on foreign dirt, but as if he wanted to. Screams and cries uproar through the battlefield, alarms signal an ambush, gun shots fire, and exploding shells numb his fragile body. Ever so slightly he tries to keep focused, shaking off this horrible memory, he’s left to fight another day, but he’s got a long way to go. Its a slippery road ahead…

sounds taken from:

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